Resume Questionnaire

Is your resume getting the results you want or is getting lost in the pile? It’s easy to make a mistake when writing a resume. There are certain tricks and tips that are used to catch the attention of a prospective employer. Take this quiz and see how your resume stacks up against the rest.
1. How many pages is your resume?
A. One page
B. Two pages – I have less than 12 years of work experience
C. Two page - I have less more 12 years of work experience
D. More than 2 pages
2. Does your resume include a marketing message telling the reader why you are the perfect candidate for the position?
A. No but my resume includes all my past work experience
B. No, I am not looking for a marketing position so it is not important to convey a marketing message
C. Yes it does
3. Which contact information did you include on your resume?
A. Home Phone OR Cell Phone
B. Home Phone OR Cell Phone, and Email Address
C. Home Phone, Cell Phone, and Email Address
4. Do you send a cover letter along with your resume?
A. No, I do not want to overwhelm the person reading my resume with too much information
B. Yes I found a great generic cover letter where I just "fill-in-the-blanks" and then attach it to my resume
C. Yes, I write a unique cover letter tailored specifically to each position that I apply to making sure I outline why I am good for the position
5. My summary of qualifications section in my resume is:
A. Not included, since I have all the information in other places in the resume
B. Very detailed since this is the portion the employer is most interested in
C. Placed near the top of my resume and includes bullet points highlighting my key qualifications
6. HR managers, recruiters and hiring managers:
A. Make the decision to reject the resume or continue reading it within the first 15 seconds
B. Make the decision to reject the resume or continue reading it after at least 2 minutes
C. Make the decision to reject the candidate only after reading the entire resume and the cover letter
7. Is your resume written and designed for the specific industry and type of position that you are applying for:
A. No, it is a general format that my friend found online and gave to me
B. No, I copied it from someone who is in the same industry who applied for a similar position, but I'm not sure where he got it
C. No, it is written and designed either to my industry OR to the type of position but not for both
D. Yes, I invested a lot of effort so that my resume is written specifically for the industry and the type of position that I'm applying to
8. In the work experience section in the resume:
A. I was able to plug in my qualifications by focusing on my accomplishments and specific results I achieved
B. I focused on my past job duties
C. I was able to mention some accomplishments but the main focus is my past job duties
9. Each candidate has unique achievements, personality, skills and qualifications. Were you able to convey these things in the resume?
A. I have mentioned some of them but I didn't put too much thought into it. Instead, I focused more on the standard resume format I have
B. Yes I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to say and included all on them in the resume
C. No, the focus on my resume is my past work experience. I listed all the details that related to my past work experience
10. Are you happy with the response rate to the jobs that you apply to?
A. No, I do not get enough interviews
B. I get some interviews and calls from recruiters each week but I expect more since I apply to a lot of jobs
C. Yes, I have a great response rate